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Internal Team

Capable and Motivated

Laura Moro

From 1977 he took over from his father, Moro Pierino, who died prematurely. Da then, thanks to a strong e solid leadership, he leads Moro&Spreafico, through the years, still maintaining a leading position in the industrial hardware market. Outstanding communication skills and a spirit of independent and avant-garde entrepreneurship allow the creation of a sales network present throughout Italy, a large part of Europe and in the world.

Riccardo Remondini

Technical-Commercial Manager

With the expansion of the market area and the ever increasing number of requests, he becomes part of our family as a "boy" until the conquest and implementation of the Managerial position of Technical-Commercial. Thanks to the knowledge of all  the production and purchasing processes, today it becomes the first contact person on the foreign-Italian market for our products.

New Collaborators Coming Soon


Siamo sempre alla ricerca di nuovi collaboratori esterni. Per sapere se nella tua regione ci sono delle posizioni lavorative aperte inviaci una mail a:

Ricordati di allegare il tuo CV  che deve comprendere:
Regioni di Operatività
Esperienze passate
Esperienza nel settore della Ferramenta
Aziende rappresentante da quanto tempo



Our External Sales Network

Here you can find all the references of our sales network based on your region.

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